Charlotte PC 3.0 Avatar DPS PhysBones
- Audio-Linked Textures
- 4 Hair Styles toggle
- Top toggle
- 3.0 Avatar PhysBones
- Body texture Hue and Emission slider (2 parts)
- 2 Bra toggles
- 2 Panties toggles
- Eye hue slider
- Skirt toggle
- Ears black and white toggle
- Heels toggle
- 4 Hair color toggles
- Hair hue and Emission slider
- Finger trails toggle and hue shift
- Fan-Peacock toggle
- Face Veil toggle
- DPS (everything you need)
Requires Newest Vrchat SDK3 (VRCSDK3-AVATAR-2022. and Poiyomi Toon Shader 7.3.050! for the Pc version
DPS (Optional) <>
- You are NOT allowed to sell/redistribute it or make this avatar public in any kind.
- You are NOT allowed to take parts from this avatar or claim as your own. - You must buy the asset from the original creator.
- You may not resell this avatar in any way. This includes edits of this avatar and edits or re-sculpts of any assets.
- All all purchases are final. No refunds.
Base: Pandaabear#9873 Texture: Wylo#8483
Head: JorgenVRC Facetexture: Lunarfay#5495 <3
Boots: diamondproductions#8222
Hair: Powdur#6808 Hair2 / Texture Pack:WetCat Hair Freya: WetCat Short Hair: Nessy
Face Veil: π¨πΊπΉπ_#8222 Ears: sleepy#0069
Skirt: Ana_Ram Top: ALEXIS70#3069
Bra1 / panties: ImLeXz#1234 Bra2: Alc#0002
Panties: Frob#2910 Peacock-Fan: DeiDei
Localmotion fix - WetCat#6969
Icons: Skulli#7154 / LYVERIC #7468
Matcaps: ChemicalHaven
DPS: raliv / Fluffs Toolbox used for DPS set up
For any questions... my Discord is
or ZeTT#6969